·박사통합과정 수료 후 석사학위 취득 시행 안내



1. ·박사통합과정 수료 후 석사학위 취득 시행 개요

구 분

내 용

학위 과정


취득 학위


제증명 발급

석사 학위 / ·박사통합과정 수료


해당 통합과정 박사학위 취득불가


2. 대상

 ·박사통합과정 수료자 중 대학원학칙 일반대학원 시행세칙에서 규정하는 석사학위 취득요건을 충족한 자



1) 신청일자: 201921() ~ 226() (학적변동기간과 동일) 

2) 합격자 발표: 개별통보


4. 신청방법

: 석사학위 취득 신청원(붙임양식)을 작성하여 소속학과 행정실로 제출


5. 참고사항

1) ·박사통합과정 수료 후 석사학위 취득자는 추후 해당 통합과정 박사학위 취득이 불가함.

2) ·박사통합과정 재학연한(12)이 경과하지 않은 자는 신청 가능함.

3) 영구수료자의 경우 특례진입 승인 후 석사학위 취득이 가능함.

4) 학과 내규로 정하는 석사학위 취득요건을 충족하여야 함.




대 학 원 행 정 실



Issuance of Master’s Degrees upon the Completion of Coursework for Integrated Master-Doctoral Degree Programs



1. Overview


Integrated Master-Doctoral Degree Programs

Degree to be Issued

Master’s Degree

Documented on Diploma as

Master’s Degree / Coursework Completion for a Combined Master’s/Ph.D Program


Once a Master’s degree is issued, a Ph.D. Degree will NOT be issued for the same program



2. Eligible Candidates for Master’s Degrees

  : To receive a Master’s Diploma, Ph.D. Candidates for Integrated Master-Doctoral Degree Programs must satisfy the requisites for receiving a Master’s Degree as specified in the Constitution of the Graduate SchoolDetailed Enforcement Regulations for the Graduate School (General)


3. Timeline

   1) February 1 (Fri)  February 26 (Tue), 2019: Applications submitted

   2) Applicants notified of their results (individually)


4. How to Apply

  Complete the Master’s Degree Application Form (attached), and submit it to your Department Office


5. Notes

   1) Once you have received a Master’s degree for a Combined Master’s/Ph.D. Program, you may not receive a Ph.D. degree for the same program.

   2) Applications are invalid if you have enrolled in more than 24 semesters (coursework term limit).

   3) Unless you have become Ph.D. candidacy, you must have your Master’s Degree Issuance Permit approved to receive a Master’s degree.

   4) You must satisfy the requisites for receiving a Master’s degree specified by the internal regulations of your Department.



Graduate School